Nadra Mabrouk

Nadra Mabrouk is the author of Measurement of Holy (Akashic Books, 2020), part of the New-Generation African Poets: A Chapbook Box Set. The recipient of the 2019 Brunel International African Poetry Prize, she holds an MFA in Creative Writing from New York University and works in publishing in New York City. 


Cover Photo: Illustration by Sirin Thada for Catapult
Blood Moon

She is determined to follow the smoke—a hymn / for what’s gone missing.

Jan 12, 2021
Cover Photo: illustration of a black-haired woman in a peach-pink dress dragging a chair to the bottom of the sea; above, rolling black hills in the distance are set against a starry sky, with a full moon reflecting on the water's surface
Reimagining Light

The water flows through hollow bones and returns / as a song. It sounds familiar in the beginning / Then always changes.

Nov 02, 2020